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Scoil Mhuire CBS, Dublin

Student Council Meetings & Activities


The Student Council had its first meeting on September 26th. 

The main item on the Agenda was the yard, and the Council is inviting suggestions for the improvement of yard from all pupils in the school. Pupils can place their written suggestions in the envelope on the Student Council noticeboard. 

The second meeting of the Council took place on October 24th. 

As well as continuing their discussions on improving yard, the Council organised a competition for the best homemade Halloween costume. The top prizes were funded by our wonderful Parents' Association, and there were many incredible costumes on display! 

In November our Student Council put out a call for Lego, and spent the months of December and January organising the many donations recieved. Lego is now available for all pupils to play with during yard break, and is proving a popular addition to the yard.

In their most recent meetings our Student Council have been contributing very positively to the development of our new Homework Policy here in Scoil Mhuire. 

The next meeting of the Student Council will take place on March 27th.