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Scoil Mhuire CBS, Dublin

School Uniform


Maintaining a neat appearance is advantageous to pupils for the several reasons. It develops habits of neatness and cleanliness, it requires discipline and it teaches them about the importance of their personal appearance. Uniforms give students a sense of belonging and encourage them to take pride in their school. Wearing uniforms is a way for pupils to publicly identify themselves with their peers and bond as part of a larger educational community. The Scoil Mhuire school uniform is stocked in Lynch's of Marino.

The following are the expectations of how the school uniform should be worn.

Clean uniform Y
Grey crested Scoil Mhuire jumper Y
Grey trousers   Y
Grey shirt
(Done up to top button & tucked in)
Scoil Mhuire tie – blue with silver stripe
(Done up to neck)
Black shoes Y
Hair clean, neat and tidy Y
No jewellery Y

On their designated PE day, pupils may wear their PE uniform to school. This consists of:

  • generic navy tracksuit pants (or shorts)
  • white polo t-shirt
  • generic navy round-neck jumper