Stay Safe

The development of personal safety skills is an integral component of the Social, Personal, and Health Education (SPHE) Curriculum for all primary school pupils.
The Stay Safe programme is a mandatory personal safety skills programme that all primary schools are required to implement. Its overall objective is to prevent child abuse, bullying, and other forms of victimisation in helping children develop the skills necessary to enable them to recognise and resist abuse and potentially abusive situations.
The programme develops children's ability to recognise, resist, and report risk situations or abusive encounters by teaching children:
- to identify for themselves unsafe or upsetting situations
- simple rules to help them avoid abuse
- to respect and value the rights of others
- the language and skills they require to seek help.
In Scoil Mhuire, the Stay Safe programme is taught by the Class Teacher and families will be notified in advance of the programme commencing.
Scoil Mhuire, An Edmund Rice School, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9 | Phone: (01) 8336421