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Scoil Mhuire CBS, Dublin

Board of Management

In 1975, a system of Boards of Management was established for national schools. Prior to this they had each been managed by an individual manager, usually the local clergyman. The introduction of Boards of Management provided opportunities for a partnership of parents, teachers, patrons’ representatives and community representatives in the task of school management.  

Rules governing Boards of Management  
Subject to the Rules for National Schools and to the Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure and to circulars issued from time to time by the Minister for Education, Boards of Management are responsible for the direct government of their schools, the conducting of correspondence, the appointment of teachers and their removal where necessary, in accordance with approved procedures.

The members of the Boards of Management are not employees of, or under the control of, the Minister. The control the Minister exercises is no more than that open to any donor of funds, that is to say, he is entitled to state conditions to be met if they desire to qualify for further funding.

The Chairperson of the Board of Management, who is nominated by the Patron, has specific functions in relation to the task of school management. They are expected to visit the school to satisfy themselves that the Rules for National Schools are being complied with. They required to certify the school returns furnished to the Department of Education, to act as correspondent between the Board and the Department, to sign payments from the school accounts along with the Treasurer and to enter into agreements with newly appointed teachers on behalf of the Board. The Chairperson is the representative of the Board of Management on Selection Committees both for Principal Teachers and Assistant Teachers.

A Recording Secretary and a Treasurer are elected by the Board from amongst its members.

A Board of Management remains in office for three years from the date of its appointment or until the next general election of school boards. Every member of the Board, at or before the first meeting, signs a declaration of acceptance of membership of the Board and an undertaking that the Rules for National Schools shall be complied with.

Boards of Management meet at such times as the conduct of business may require. A meeting must be held at least once in each school term and a board shall usually hold not less than five meetings in any school year. Members of Boards are required to keep matters discussed at meetings confidential unless otherwise advised by the board. At the closure of each meeting the board determines which decisions should be conveyed to parents and teachers and the manner in which they should be conveyed.

Risk management and insurance are within the discretion of the boards.

  • It is the duty of the Boards of Management (delegated by the Trustees) to put in place comprehensive insurance cover for the schools.
  • The Boards shall ensure that all such insurances are effected and maintained as are necessary to safeguard the school, the Board and the Trustees against all public liability and against the consequences of negligence on the part of any person employed by the board or any servant or agent of the board, or any defect in the buildings, premises, furnishings or equipment of the school whereby loss or damage might result to any person in or upon the school premises.
  • The insurance policy shall be available for inspection by interested parties.