Scoil Mhuire Concert

The highlight of our school year is, without doubt, our annual school concert which takes place in the third term. With the invaluable help of the extended school community - the teachers, ANAs, and parent volunteers who help with costumes, make-up, and health and safety - Scoil Mhuire puts on a breath-taking show that really is something to be proud of.
Each and every pupil in our school takes part in this event and for four exciting, fun-filled nights all the children trip the light fantastic in front of a live audience filled with family and friends! The school hall is alive with expectation and the buzz around the school is positively electric.
After an unavoidable hiatus the Scoil Mhuire Concert will return in 2023, and will run from May 29th until June 1st.
Scoil Mhuire, An Edmund Rice School, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9 | Phone: (01) 8336421